iCalendar users can prepare their Room Booking System(s) for use in 4 easy steps, by:
- Preparing iCalendar for use
- Connecting your Room Booking System to iCalendar
- Connecting your Room Booking System to the Wi-Fi network
- Confirming your settings and connecting a room
Preparing iCalendar for use
Before using your Room Booking System with iCalendar, you will need to make sure that you have an iCalendar (.ical) URL for each room you want to connect.
These URLs must be publicly accessible. Look for the .ical URLs in your calendar settings or sharing settings.
iCalendar allows users to send meeting requests via email or share files with an extension of .ics. It is a great generic calendar alternative, supported by a large number of products, including Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, IBM Lotus Notes, Yahoo! Calendar, and others.
* Please note: As iCalendar is read-only, it does not support booking meetings on the spot. Also that the limited functionality of the iCalendar (.ics) only supports partial integration with your Room Booking System.
Connecting your Room Booking System to iCalendar
There are 2 ways of connecting your room to your Room Booking System with the iCalendar format:
1. Use your existing calendar account
Use an existing account that is already connected to your Room Booking System and your Google Workspace, Office 365, or Microsoft Exchange calendar 2016, 2013, or 2010. Add a new room resource to any of these calendars by adding a room manually, entering the iCalendar URL as the room resource email:
- Add a room manually in Google Workspace
- Add a room manually in Office 365 or Microsoft Exchange 2013
- Add a room manually in Microsoft Exchange 2010
- Add a room manually in iCalendar (OS X)
After you share your calendar you should see a link:
To import the calendar to your Room Booking System Web Portal you will need to change the "webcal" to "http":
Because your calendar is already connected to your Room Booking System, you don’t need to do anything else. Your Room Booking System will now display all the meeting information for your room using the .ical format without the need to repeat the onboarding process in the Room Booking System Web Portal.
2. Create a new user account in the Room Booking System Web Portal
Create a new account in the Room Booking System Web Portal to connect your Room Booking System to the iCalendar.
At the "Calendar" step, select iCalendar.
In the next step, you will enter the URLs of your room resources in the.ical format and connect your room calendars. Click "Save" and you’re done – your room is now connected to your Room Booking System.
Connecting your Room Booking System to the Wi-Fi network
Next, the Room Booking System Web Portal will lead you through the steps necessary to connect your Room Booking System device to the wireless network you wish to use.
Please note that the quality of your Wi-Fi network will significantly influence the performance of your Room Booking System, with poor or unstable connections resulting in diminished functionality and poor battery life.
If you’re having issues with your wireless connection, please contact support pimsil.helpdesk@in.panasonic.com and we’ll help you diagnose the issue.
The Wi-Fi is configured with the help of the Room Booking System Configurator, an app available in the Room Booking System Web Portal (see the upper right to download) which syncs your wireless network settings with an individual Room Booking System device.
Connecting your Room Booking System to your Wi-Fi takes place in 3 easy steps:
Confirming your settings and connecting a room
Once you have successfully connected your Room Booking System device to the Wi-Fi network, unplug your device from the USB cable. Your Room Booking System device will display a unique PIN number in approximately 1 minute. Enter this number into the Room Booking System Web Portal and your Room Booking System will connect to the calendar account you have just set up.
If the PIN entered is correct, you will then be able to connect your device to an individual room. Select the room you want your Room Booking System to manage from a dropdown list of rooms available, set the room’s time zone, and click "Save."
Your Room Booking System is now ready to show the room’s events. Repeat this step for every device you want to pair.
You can always edit your rooms by logging into the Room Booking System Web Portal, where you will be presented with a list of all of your paired Room Booking System devices and the rooms they manage. To change or connect a room, select the desired room from the drop-down menu beside the chosen device and click "Save" at the bottom of the page.
To edit the list of rooms that appear in the drop-down menu, go to "Manage" > "Resources/Rooms" to scan for rooms again or add/remove them from the Room Booking System Web Portal.