If you no longer wish to use a Room Booking System device or wish to refresh some of its settings, you can do so by unpairing it from your Room Booking System Web Portal account.
How to unpair a device
- Log in to Room Booking System Web Portal
- Navigate to the “Manage” page via the top navigation menu
- Select “Devices” from the left-hand side menu
- A table of all your devices will be visible. Select the device(s) you wish to unpair
- A new “Unpair” button will appear above the table. Click it
- Once clicked, you will be prompted to either confirm or deny the action. If you wish to continue with unpairing your devices, click “OK”
And that’s it! You have successfully unpaired your device.
If you wish to re-add it or add a new one, we have prepared a guide to help you with that as well. Click here.